Monday, March 2, 2009

RIP Marcella DeMarchis

Italian Costume Designer Marcella DeMarchis died in Sartean, Siena, Italy on February 25th. Aka Marcella DeMarchis Rossellini she was the first wife of director Roberto Rossellini and the mother of Renzo. Marcella was born in Rome on January 17, 1916, and married Roberto Rossellini in 1936, when he was twenty years-old. Then in 1942 they separated but never stopped their relationship of affection and professional collaboration: Marcella was a set and costume designer on many films of her husband, and other famous directors. She was the Costume Mistress on Johnny Oro (Ringo and His Golden Pistol), Costume Designer on Django and Joe l'implacable (Navajo Joe) all 1966. Costume Designer on L'ultimo killer (Django the Last Killer) 1967 and Odia il prossimo tuo (Hate Thy Neighbor) in 1968. Her autobiography is called "Una piccola donna fra due millenni (1916-200?)."

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